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  1. #51
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    History of the M4A3 (75mm)
    The prototype of the M4 was designated the T-6 and appeared in September 1941.
    This medium tank would go on to be one of the most important pieces of armor in WW
    II. Its production number of approximately 55,000 of all versions was only surpassed by
    the Soviet T-34 57,000 of all its versions. About 44,000 were armed with the 75mm
    Gun M3, with 6,465 76mm Gun M1, and 4,180 armed with the 105mm Howitzer M4. At
    production start up 1,000 units a month came off the assembly line with that number
    increasing to 2,000 per month when all 11 plants were up and running.
    These medium tanks played a major role in Allied victories in every TO around the
    world during WW II. With the advent of the M4 in 1941 came a number of
    improvements over the M3 series that this new tank was replacing. Instead of the fixed
    gun locations on the M3 a 75mm gun was relocated to the turret of the M4 and this
    allowed for 360 degree coverage. Also the elevation and depression of the new gun
    location was increased giving total combat area coverage. The M4A1 introduced a
    cast hull where the previous models had welded hulls. All versions of the M4 had cast
    turrets and sat on a ball bearing race and was recessed to protect the crew. It was
    realized within the first year that the early production M4s were not combat capable
    against their opponents. In 1943 a firm commitment to “win the war” was made and the
    Sherman would be the vehicle to use. This meant that the tank would have to undergo
    some major changes.
    The late production version of the 75mm first rolled out of the factories in February
    1944 with an angled front hull and 63.5mm armored plate. The Sherman went through
    various gun and armour upgrades throughout WWII as a result of combat experience.
    The 75mm (M2 L/31) cannon of the early M4’s was upgraded to the higher muzzle
    velocity 75mm (M3 L/40). To the turret, a cupola for the commander and hatch for the
    loader were added. This version was also equipped with wet ammo stowage bins,
    which helped prevent internal fires and explosions. This occurrence was common
    knowledge as the Americans' nickname for the Sherman was the ZIPPO, after the
    lighter (lights first time, every time), while the Germans called it the TOM** COOKER
    or “Ronsons”
    Late models had improved cupola, a loaders hatch, and wet storage for ammunition.
    The ammunition was stored in water protected racks below the turret instead of in the
    sponsons. Ten boxes on the hull floor held 100 rounds and needed 37.1 gallons of
    water. a further gallon was needed to protect the four ready rounds. The water
    contained ethylene glycol to prevent freezing and a corrosion inhibiter known as
    "Ammudamp". The Fisher Tank Arsenal manufactured "wet" storage 76mm and 75mm
    armed models.
    In 1944 the Horizontal Volute Spring Suspension (HVSS) with a wide center guide
    track was phased into production this enhanced mobility over rough terrain and
    enabled the Sherman to keep up with the once much faster Panthers. Units produced
    with HVSS suspension were called "Easy Eights". The earlier VVSS ( Vertical Volute
    Spring Suspension) had a much narrower track that made it difficult for the Sherman to
    maneuver on soft ground and mud. The VVSS had to use return rollers to prevent the
    track from jumping off the drive wheels or snagging. HVSS springs lie flat on the bogie
    assembly and are fitted in opposed pairs. Its most obvious features are dual wheels
    with a shock absorber above the cylindrical spring units.
    Over 44,000 were armed with the M3 75mm Gun. Production figures for "wet" storage
    75mm armed models totals 3,071 tanks and ended in March 1945. With continual
    upgrades the Sherman became a very nimble weapon that was reliable and easy to
    maintain. Never as technically advanced as the German Tigers but the sheer numbers
    of M4s and T-34s that could be thrown at the Germans would overwhelm them and in
    the end would assure victory.
    HG1001 M4A3 75mm 69th Tank Division Sherman
    As if taken back 60+ years this Hobby Master offering places us on the road to Bastogne
    and points east. If you listen closely enough you will hear two roars, the M4 Sherman as
    it rumbles down the dirt roads and the second roar from their commander as he shouts
    orders to his men. This man is considered by many to one of the best Generals of all
    time, General George Smith Patton Jr. Captured in every detail this model is an
    outstanding version of one of the most produced tanks ever. The turret turns 360
    degrees, cannon elevates, commanders hatch opens all this and much more are finished
    in a superb application of paint.
    History of the 6th Armored Division and 69th Tank Battalion
    The 6th Armored Division nicknamed the “Super Sixth” was created February 15, 1942
    at Fort Knox, Kentucky and was made up almost entirely of citizen draftee soldiers. Its
    training stations were Camp Chaffee, Ark., Louisiana Maneuvers, the Mojave Desert,
    and Camp Cooke, CA. It arrived in England in February 1944 and landed at Utah
    Beach on July 18, 1944. During the next 9 1/2 months, the 6th Armored fought in five
    major European campaigns of World War II:
    Northern France
    Central Europe
    The 6Th Armored Division was sent to England Feb. 23, 1944 and they first saw
    combat on July 28, 1944 in Normandy. On July 18, 1944, the 6th Armored Division
    landed on the Normandy beaches, some six weeks after the D-Day invasion of
    Western Europe. The "Super Sixth" was subsequently assigned to General George S.
    Patton's Third Ar**, and took part in the Allied counteroffensive to stop the German
    advance during the Battle of the Bulge. At the end of March 1945, the unit crossed the
    Rhine River and moved quickly into central Germany. The division remained in combat
    that lasted 272 days until it was deactivated on September 18, 1945. The total number
    of casualties the 6th suffered by the Division were 4,670 of which 993 resulted in death.

    The 69th Armored Regiment was constituted on July 15, 1940 in the Regular Ar** and
    initially assigned to the 1st Armored Division. It was reassigned to the 6th Armored
    Division in February 1942 where it remained until September of 1943 when elements of
    the Regiment were broken up and reassigned. The Regimental Headquarters and 1st
    Battalion remained with the 6th Armored Div. as the 69th Tank Battalion;
    The majority of the time the 69th spent in General George S. Patton's famous Third
    Ar**. The battalion participated in most of the major ETO actions and campaigns with
    the 6th Armored Division including Normandy, Northern France, the Rhineland,
    Ardennes-Alsace and Central Europe. During the time the 69th TB was active in
    Europe many acts of heroism were performed, these are just two examples. Pvt. Ray
    Williams, 69th Tanks, Collingswood N.J., returned a grenade the ene** had tossed
    into his tank, then continued the attack. S/Sgt. George D. Vinyard, 69th Tanker from
    Rock Island, Okla., whose bold action from his light tank's turret knocked out seven
    Panzerfaust teams and accounted for 26 more Germans.
    The unit was deactivated in 1946. Re-designated as the 69th Medium Tank Battalion
    in August 1950, it was again assigned to the 6th Armored Division. Subsequently
    inactivated in 1956, it was relieved from assignment from the 6th Armored Div. The
    6th Armored was deactivated September 18, 1945 at Camp Shanks, New York.
    69th Tank Battalion received a Distinguished Unit Citation for its involvement at
    Bastogne, specifically Company C.
    FOR PERIOD 18 JULY 44 - 8 MAY 45
    69th Tank Battalion received 103 Silver Stars, 1 Service medal, 348 Bronze Stars, 162
    Purple Hearts.
    Casualties for the same time period: 95 killed, 326 wounded, 1 MIA
    Specs for the M4
    Designation: M4 General Sherman
    Also Known As: M4 Sherman
    Classification: Medium Tank
    Service Date: 1942
    Weight: 29.62 tons
    Length: 19 feet, 4 inches
    Height: 9 feet
    Armor: 0.99 - 1.97 inches
    Maximum Speed: 24 mph
    Maximum Range: 99 miles
    Crew: 5
    Armament: 75mm main gun; 3 x .30 caliber machine guns (1 x Anti-Air Defense .50 caliber
    (12.7mm) machine gun; 1 x .30 caliber (7.62mm) Co-axial machine gun; 1 x .30 caliber
    (7.62mm) bow machine gun.
    Ammunition: 97 rounds (75mm gun); 4,750 rounds (Machine guns)
    Models: M4 (Wright engine/welded hull); M4A1 (Wright engine/cast hull); M4A2 (GM
    Diesel engine); M4A3 (Ford GAA engine); M4A4 (Chrysler/long hull); M4A6 (Part-cast hull)

    ---------- Добавлено в 23:19 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение было написано в 23:13 ----------

    On page 148 of Gavin Burch "Images of War Sherman Tank" there is a photo of a M4A3 75mm. I can just make out what looks like a side fender bracket bolted to the hull and the front fender has the four bolt mounting configuration associated with HVSS installation. Could it be? Thanks for any replys, Bill.

    As a rule of thumb, figure that all Shermans made in 1945 were HVSS. That would give you at least 650 M4A3(75) W HVSS produced. In fact, in 1948 there were still 638 of them still on hand in depots. Many of these were converted to 76mm tanks by taking the turrets and equipment from M4A2(76) being scrapped.
    Hunnicutt pages 224 and 225 test bead M4A3 and bottom of page 330 M4A3s in the Philippines in a vehicle dump I’m guessing waiting for the innovation of Japan.

    Получается что М3А2(75)HVSS все таки были?

  2. #52

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    History of the M4A3 (75mm)

    Получается что М3А2(75)HVSS все таки были?
    Наверное всё же М4?

  3. #53
    Аватар для Bastshoe
    Russia, Moscow
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    Это похоже на какую-то секту, право слово...
    Привожу доводы из заслуживающих внимания источников, а вы все в тайне
    надеетесь - вдруг не так, вдруг соврал старый валенок....
    И тут вдруг, вот оно - по сообщению агентства ОТС (одна тетка сказала он же Gavin Burch) на суперсекретной базе хранились аж 650 штук с 75 мм и HVSS....
    Да делайте какой хотите Шерман, хоть с подвеской Кристи....
    Все! Больше в дискуссии на эту тему не участвую.
    Будут фото с секретных баз хранения - будет разговор....
    Стыдить лжеца, шутить над дураком, и спорить с неучем - всё тоже, что черпать воду решетом. От этих всех избави Боже!

  4. #54
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    Без обид - Монополией на истину еще никто не владеет...

  5. #55
    Аватар для Bastshoe
    Russia, Moscow
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    Ну какие обиды в кругу единомышленников)))
    Просто всех нас "поставила раком" Тамия, сделав машину, которых было меньше всего на фронте, да еще и чисто "пехотный" вариант, а мы пытаемся как то выйти из этой ситуации .... Пока без особых успехов....
    Последний раз редактировалось Bastshoe; 29.12.2010 в 08:53.
    Стыдить лжеца, шутить над дураком, и спорить с неучем - всё тоже, что черпать воду решетом. От этих всех избави Боже!

  6. #56
    Старшой на раздаче/ ЦСТК Аватар для HAL
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    مدير الخزان

  7. #57
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    Коли Тамия сделала такой вариант Шермана, пусть он пока останется таким... Не последний танк в коллекции, по крайней мере его легче транспортировать до места боев из за короткого ствола... (уже поломал ствол у Т-34 при таране год назад..)
    Надо только поискать информацию о боеприпасах на эту машину...
    С наступающим Новым годом! Успехов в моделировании!

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